3 Things Every Empath Should Do

3 Things Every Empath Should Do

1) Bubble Yourself Actually, all people should do this, as it is a protection barrier. It helps to keep your energy in and keeps unwanted energy from sticking to you. It also shields you from having your energy and system drained by energy vampires and negative...
Negative Entities & Addiction

Negative Entities & Addiction

I got another great question from a Higher Purpose Learning member: “Hi Jennifer! I am curious to know more about negative entities that attach themselves to people weakened by addictions. What are they? What do they have to gain from this? How can this be...
Dying In Your Dreams…What Does It Mean?

Dying In Your Dreams…What Does It Mean?

The other day I got a VERY good question via email about seeing yourself die in a dream: “Is there some kind of meaning if you see yourself die in a dream? I had a dream last night where I and someone else were in a bathtub with no water and a guy shot the other...
Starseeds & Soul Recognition

Starseeds & Soul Recognition

I got another question from a Soul Mate Circle member a little while ago: “What if you are considered a Starseed? How does that work in terms of soul recognition and connections? And the premise behind twin flames? How does the Starseed theory intertwine with that?”...
Meditation… Why You Need To Do It!

Meditation… Why You Need To Do It!

What is meditation? Meditation is a practice of sitting quietly, while regulating your breath using intone mantras or visualization in attempts to harmonize your mind, body, and soul. Why is this important? 1) Cleaning The Clutter – Meditation is really...