9 Personality Traits of a Moon Child

Jun 24, 2022

As you probably know, Moon Children have some very special spiritual traits (traits that you carry with you through each lifetime). And these traits play a big role in all your life experiences.

However, there are also personality traits of a Moon Child that certainly show up here on Earth. One thing for sure is living within “social norms” can be very difficult for a Moon Child. When you’re used to working so closely with astral energy, social norms just don’t make sense. Deep within your soul, you can feel something is missing…like you’re missing an important piece of a puzzle. And you just know there’s a better way to live and thrive, you can feel it to the very core of your being…

9 Personality Traits of a Moon Child:

  • You don’t like the typical 9-5 job.
  • Structure is hard for you.
  • You question social “norms”, or why people do what they do.
  • Freedom feels more important than money.
  • You crave more life experiences.
  • Your creativity or imagination is on the higher side.
  • You are a night owl.
  • Or you feel like something is missing, like a puzzle piece…
  • You like to think outside the box.

So, it should be no surprise when it’s hard for a Moon Child to adjust to a structured lifestyle that does not take energy into consideration…at all! Especially when your entire existence revolves around it.

If you think this could be you, take the quiz below. 🙂

👇 Moon Child Quiz👇

Are you a Moon Child

👇 Meditation Suggestions👇