Did you know different spirits have different characteristics?
There’s a lot to learn about the spirit realm and the spirit culture, and it can be so confusing. But something many people don’t know is all spirits in the spirit realm have different characteristics which can help you to tell them apart.
It’s important to familiarize yourself with these characteristics and personality traits if you want to develop your spirit communication techniques.
For instance, here are some quick examples of spirit realm characteristics:
Characteristics of Random Spirits ~
- Random spirits tend to be more active at night
- They tend to show up in the corner of your eye or the corner of a room
- They like to make noises such as knocking
- They like to move things
Characteristics of Loved Ones in Spirit Form ~
- Loved ones in spirit form tend to be more active in the daytime
- Loved ones like to play songs on the radio
- They like to leave trinkets or coins
- They love to contact you through your dreams
Characteristics of Spirit Guides ~
- Spirit guides are active day and night
- Spirit guides love to use signs and synchronicities
- They like to work with animals to get your attention (birds, bunnies, insects, etc.)
- They like to whisper your name or touch your hair at night while you’re sleeping
Characteristics of Angels ~
- Angel energy is strong at night
- Angels like to leave feathers
- They are most active during times of stress, healing, or protection
- They like to work with mother nature energy such as clouds, sand, rock formations, etc., leaving images or imprints of angels or feathers
And this is just the tip of the iceberg…
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