
Aloha! My name is Jennifer O’Neill and I am an Empath specialist…
I was born looking at the world differently than most everyone else around me.
The funny thing is I thought everyone was like me. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized…I was born with a very special connection to the spirit world.
This connection has allowed me to access things you can benefit from. Lots of information on how things work in the spiritual realm, how things work energetically in the physical realm, as well as how this information can help you to enhance your life and help you to live the best life possible.
I was born a very strong Empath. I was gifted with this ability with a purpose, to teach others. To show you that you have some of these same abilities, and to simplify the process of using these spiritual tools and gifts you were born with in a way that fits into your everyday life. ~ Namaste

You can find all of Jennifer's books on Amazon

Several months ago, I came across a podcast called #spiritchat with Jennifer O’Neill. It seemed interesting, so I decided to have a listen. Immediately after that podcast ended, I clicked the “subscribe” button, perused the list of podcast topics and started listening to the ones I felt I needed to hear. At that point in my life, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and like I was missing something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. When I found her that fateful afternoon, I swear I have been FOREVER changed. I began listening to her books and learning the most I could about the Laws of the Universe, spirit guides, toxic people, energy healing, self love and care…and the common theme that Jennifer speaks so well into her messages is that WE, ourselves, are in charge of how life unfolds for us. Not others. I learned that I am an Empath and that because of that, there are certain ways I need to care for myself, my spirit. It is empowering, actually. She has helped boost my confidence and the love I feel towards myself and ultimately, for others. I floundered for YEARS tying to “find myself”. At this point in time, I know, without a shadow of a doubt, I was meant to click on her podcast. I know I am not quite where I want to be, but I DO know for certain, that I am headed in the right direction. There are no words that you can say to a person to give that kind of thanks. It’s almost as though she saved me. She saved my spirit. I am SO looking forward to seeing what this “shift” can bring me into.
Kirsten Caywood
St. Louis, Mo.